Hear and feel sound all around you on Apple Music
Hear and feel sound all around you on Apple Music

Hear and feel sound all around you on Apple Music

Music mixed in Dolby Atmos
Device enabled with Dolby Atmos

Immerse Yourself. On Apple Music.

Discover sound all around you with Dolby Atmos on Apple Music and listen across your devices. Now available with your Apple Music subscription*.

Immerse Yourself. On Apple Music.

Discover sound all around you with Dolby Atmos on Apple Music and listen across your devices. Now available with your Apple Music subscription*.

Billie Eilish in Dolby Atmos

Time to get Happier Than Ever. Immerse yourself in the new album from Billie Eilish in Dolby Atmos. Now on Apple Music.

Billie Eilish in Dolby Atmos

Time to get Happier Than Ever. Immerse yourself in the new album from Billie Eilish in Dolby Atmos. Now on Apple Music.

Playlists with music available in Dolby Atmos

Step into the sound with Masego

Watch as genre-defying artist Masego experiences his own music in Dolby Atmos for the first time and expresses excitement for what this does for music: “Once you hear Dolby Atmos, you’ll never want to hear music in stereo again.”

Step into the sound with Masego

Watch as genre-defying artist Masego experiences his own music in Dolby Atmos for the first time and expresses excitement for what this does for music: “Once you hear Dolby Atmos, you’ll never want to hear music in stereo again.”

Apple devices enabled with Dolby
What is Dolby Atmos Music?

What is Dolby Atmos Music?
Dolby Atmos goes beyond the ordinary listening experience and puts you inside the song in a spatial way, revealing every detail of the music with unparalleled clarity and depth.

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*Apple Music requires a subscription. Requires iOS 14.6, iPadOS 14.6, macOS 11.4, or tvOS 14.6 or later. Dolby enabled device required.