Bring your movies and TV shows to life

Bring your movies and TV shows to life

Experience sports like never before

Experience sports like never before

The Dolby Difference

Dolby heightens and deepens your experiences, helping you feel more. It’s the stunningly vivid sunset in the show’s season finale. The song you feel deep in your chest. The footsteps creeping up behind you in a video game.


We breathe life into these experiences through our innovative audiovisual technologies. That’s the Dolby Difference.

The Dolby Difference

Dolby heightens and deepens your experiences, helping you feel more. It’s the stunningly vivid sunset in the show’s season finale. The song you feel deep in your chest. The footsteps creeping up behind you in a video game.


We breathe life into these experiences through our innovative audiovisual technologies. That’s the Dolby Difference.

Explore your Dolby experience