Surface Studio 2+

Surface Studio 2+

Elevate your creativity with the most versatile all-in-one that gives you a large canvas to express yourself at any angle, and the most immersive experience for Microsoft Teams video calls, on a striking 28” PixelSense™ touchscreen. Dive into brilliant color and graphics and let ideas flow with Surface Pen, weightless transformations, and Windows 11.​

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Surface Studio 2+ Disclaimers

2. Requires Dolby Vision®encoded content and video.

3. Requires Dolby Atmos®encoded content and audio.

5.Requires license or subscription (sold separately)to activate and use. 

6. Activation required. If your device is managed byyour organization’s IT department, contact your IT administrator for activation. If you activate your trial outside your organization, after 30 days, you will be charged the applicable monthly or annual subscription fee. Credit card required. Cancel any time to stop future charges. See