Olivia Rodrigo
Olivia Rodrigo

Olivia Rodrigo

Feel all the feels of Olivia Rodrigo in Dolby.

Experience Olivia Rodrigo like never before in Dolby

Start with your device
Start with your device

Make sure you're listening on a device enabled with Dolby Atmos.

Subscribe to Apple Music
Subscribe to Apple Music

You'll need an Apple Music subscription to listen to music in Dolby Atmos.

Find out more
Find your favorite songs in Dolby
Find your favorite songs in Dolby

Look for the Dolby Atmos badge when you're browsing albums on Apple Music.

Her album, Sour, is now available to stream in Dolby Atmos on Apple Music


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What is Dolby Atmos Music?

What is Dolby Atmos Music?
Dolby Atmos goes beyond the ordinary listening experience and puts you inside the song in a spatial way, revealing every detail of the music with unparalleled clarity and depth.

*Apple Music requires a subscription. Requires iOS 14.6, iPadOS 14.6, macOS 11.4, or tvOS 14.6 or later. Dolby-enabled device required.