Dolby Institute tutorial series

Learn how to create in Dolby Vision

Get a complete guide to Dolby Vision post-production and delivery workflows. Discover why Dolby Vision is the perfect match for any HDR project, and how productions of all types and sizes can leverage the power of Dolby Vision.


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Sign up for this 12-part series and learn how to color grade and deliver with the leading HDR technology.

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Sign up for this 12-part series and learn how to color grade and deliver with the leading HDR technology.

Learn how to create in Dolby Atmos

Get a complete guide to the Dolby Atmos mixing workflow. In this free new seven-part video series, you’ll learn how to configure a system, set up a project, create immersive audio mixes, generate deliverables for Blu-ray, digital delivery, and more.


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Sign up for this seven-part series and learn how to mix and deliver with the leading immersive audio technology.

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Sign up for this seven-part series and learn how to mix and deliver with the leading immersive audio technology.

Learn how to mix in Dolby Atmos for live TV

Get a foundational understanding how to integrate Dolby Atmos into your show. Brought to you in partnership with the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences, this online training curriculum consists of three modules for an overview of core concepts, workflows, as well as the unique installation considerations and equipment for TV broadcast.

In the first module, Core Concepts provides you with an understanding of the Dolby Atmos ecosystem, and how content is authored, mastered, and delivered. In the next module, Mixing for Live Television, you’ll get step-by-step instruction on the process of configuring Dolby equipment to deliver a Dolby Atmos mix for live broadcast content. And finally, in Installation and Mixing Guidelines, you’ll get access to supplemental guidelines to the gear, installation configurations needed to convert your space to a Dolby Atmos mix environment.